Longleat Safari公园因天气恶劣取消灯光节, Longleat Safari Park cancels Festival of Light due to severe weather, offers refunds.
Wiltshire的Longleat Safari公园取消了定于星期六举办的灯节活动,因为预报有强风和大雨,并发出黄色天气警报。 Longleat Safari Park in Wiltshire has cancelled its Festival of Light event scheduled for Saturday due to forecasted strong winds and heavy rain, with a yellow weather warning in effect. 公园将关闭,向持票人自动退款,并计划在星期日重新开放。 The park will be closed, offering automatic refunds to ticket holders and planning to reopen on Sunday. 更新内容将张贴在他们的网站上。 Updates will be posted on their website.