伦敦几个公园因伯特风暴的高风而关闭,海胆高达65mph。 Several London parks closed due to Storm Bert's high winds, with gusts up to 65mph.
伦敦的几个公园,包括里士满,布希和格林威治,由于来自Bert暴风雨的强风,每小时达到65英里的强风,暂时关闭. Several London parks, including Richmond, Bushy, and Greenwich, have been temporarily closed due to high winds from Storm Bert, with gusts reaching up to 65mph. 皇家公园关闭了所有设施和道路,以保障安全,公园在检查后定于星期一重新开放。 The Royal Parks closed all facilities and roads for safety, with parks set to reopen on Monday after inspections. 黄天气警告持续到晚上九点, 建议访客在暴风雨扰乱城市时避免旅行, A yellow weather warning is in place until 9pm, and visitors are advised to avoid travel and stay updated on reopening times as the storm disrupts the city.