Hernandez Govan因策划2021年孟菲斯强奸犯Young Dolph的谋杀案而面临审判。 Hernandez Govan faces trial for orchestrating the 2021 murder of Memphis rapper Young Dolph.
Hernandez Govan被控策划2021年谋杀Memphis rapeper Young Dolph, 准备出庭。 Hernandez Govan, accused of planning the 2021 murder of Memphis rapper Young Dolph, is set to appear in court. 戈万面临阴谋指控 如果他不接受认罪协议 就要在三月份接受审判 Govan faces conspiracy charges and is due for trial in March if he doesn't accept a plea deal. 据称枪手之一Cornelius Smith作证说,Govan策划了这次袭击,据称是Anthony“Big Jook”Mims下令的。 Cornelius Smith, one of the alleged shooters, testified that Govan orchestrated the hit, reportedly ordered by Anthony “Big Jook” Mims. Jemarcus Johnson已作为从犯被定罪,也将出庭。 Jemarcus Johnson, already convicted as an accessory, will also appear in court.