42岁的弗雷迪·特隆(Freddie Trone)被判犯有在洛杉矶抢劫期间策划PnB Rock谋杀案的罪行。 42-year-old Freddie Trone found guilty of masterminding PnB Rock's murder during a robbery in LA.
42岁的弗雷迪·特罗恩被洛杉矶县陪审团判定有罪,罪名是策划谋杀在南洛杉矶一家餐馆抢劫的饶舌歌手PnB Rock(Rakim Allen)案。 42-year-old Freddie Trone was found guilty by a Los Angeles County jury for orchestrating the murder of rapper PnB Rock (Rakim Allen) during a robbery at a restaurant in South Los Angeles. Trone被判犯有一项谋杀罪、两项抢劫罪和一项共谋抢劫罪。 Trone was convicted of one count of murder, two counts of robbery, and one count of conspiracy to commit robbery. 他17岁的儿子(现为19岁)最初被指控犯有谋杀罪,但被青少年系统拘留,被认为无资格接受审判。 His 17-year-old son, now 19, was initially charged with murder but is in the custody of the juvenile system and deemed not competent to stand trial. 另一个人,特雷蒙特琼斯 被判犯有两项抢劫罪和一项阴谋罪 Another man, Tremont Jones, was found guilty of two counts of robbery and one count of conspiracy.