Candela在Tahoe湖引入P-12电力渡轮,以缩短旅行时间和减少交通。 Candela introduces electric P-12 ferry to Lake Tahoe to cut travel times and reduce traffic.
瑞典Candela公司正在向Tahoe湖引入P-12电力渡轮,目的是减少交通量和改善旅行时间。 Swedish company Candela is introducing its electric P-12 ferry to Lake Tahoe, aiming to reduce traffic and improve travel times. 能够载运30名乘客的水分船将运行一条南北路线,与公路旅行相比,缩短了一半的旅行时间。 The hydrofoiling vessel, capable of carrying 30 passengers, will operate a north-south route, cutting travel time in half compared to road trips. P-12是距离最长的最快的电动船,利用水土技术减少水阻力和作业成本。 The P-12, the fastest electric vessel with the longest range, uses hydrofoil technology to reduce water resistance and operational costs. Candela最近获得额外资金,用于扩大生产规模,为美国带来无害环境的交通。 Candela recently secured additional funding to scale production, bringing environmentally friendly transportation to the U.S.