英国天然气为购买选定的三星电器提供多达65英镑的电力信贷。 British Gas offers up to £65 in electricity credit for buying selected Samsung appliances.
从现在到2025年2月28日, 英国天然气公司向购买三星电器(如冰箱、洗衣机、电视等)的顾客提供高达65英镑的电力信贷。 British Gas is offering up to £65 in electricity credit to customers who buy selected Samsung appliances like refrigerators, washing machines, and TVs between now and February 28, 2025. 新的和现有的英国天然气公司客户都有资格。 Both new and existing British Gas customers are eligible. 信贷的依据是该电器每年的用电量。 The credit is based on the appliance's annual electricity usage. 客户必须在2025年3月31日前申领信贷。 Customers must claim the credit by March 31, 2025. 这项提议旨在帮助在费用上涨的情况下管理家庭能源使用。 This offer aims to help manage home energy usage amid rising costs.