越南力求通过允许住房项目更多地使用土地来增加较小省份的住房供应。 Vietnam seeks to boost housing supply in smaller provinces by allowing more land use for housing projects.
越南国民议会正在审议一项决议草案,以便允许小规模商业住房项目使用更多的土地资源,目的是增加住房供应,降低较小省份小型房地产市场的价格。 Vietnam's National Assembly is considering a draft resolution to allow small-scale commercial housing projects to use additional land resources, aiming to boost housing supply and reduce prices in modest real estate markets of smaller provinces. 草案如获批准,将试行五年,并包括保护农田和粮食安全的严格条例。 The draft, if approved, will be piloted for five years and includes strict regulations to protect farmland and food security. 决议还力求便利开发商获得土地,减少法律争端。 The resolution also seeks to ease land acquisition for developers and reduce legal disputes.