76岁的著名记者Neil MacPhail在因弗内斯的家中突然去世。 Renowned journalist Neil MacPhail, 76, passed away suddenly at home in Inverness.
Neil MacPhail, 76岁, 拥有近60年经验的记者, 突然在因弗内斯家中死亡。 Neil MacPhail, a 76-year-old journalist with nearly six decades of experience, died suddenly at his home in Inverness. 麦克菲尔出生于坎贝尔敦,1968年在阿伯丁开始他的职业生涯,并搬到了因弗内斯,在那里他为各种报纸工作,并因他一生对新闻业的贡献而于2015年获得巴伦奖杯. Born in Campbelltown, MacPhail began his career in Aberdeen in 1968 and moved to Inverness, where he worked for various newspapers and was honored with the Barron Trophy in 2015 for his lifetime contribution to journalism. 同事为他的智慧、同情心和记者的正直而记得他。 Colleagues remember him for his wit, compassion, and journalistic integrity. 他的葬礼细节尚未确定,许多人期望向他的遗产表示敬意。 His funeral details are pending, with many expected to pay tribute to his legacy.