第四十七届科威特国际书展, 他们与31个国家的544家出版商共同推出《书中的世界》。 The 47th Kuwait International Book Fair, themed "The World in a Book," launched with 544 publishers from 31 countries.
第47届科威特国际书展于11月20日在哈瓦利省启动, The 47th Kuwait International Book Fair kicked off on November 20th in Hawalli Governorate, themed "The World in a Book." 它由科威特全国文化、艺术和信函理事会组织,拥有来自31个国家的544家出版社。 Organized by Kuwait's National Council for Culture, Arts, and Letters, it features 544 publishing houses from 31 countries. 展览会持续到11月30日, 包括约90项文化活动, Running until November 30th, the fair includes around 90 cultural activities like seminars and workshops. 信息和文化部长Abdulrahman Al-Mutuiri强调了其在促进文化遗产和知识增长方面的重要性。 Minister of Information and Culture Abdulrahman Al-Mutairi highlighted its importance in promoting cultural heritage and intellectual growth.