第41届国际伊斯坦布尔图书博览会于11月2日至10日举办,展出12家中国出版商。 The 41st International Istanbul Book Fair runs from November 2-10, showcasing 12 Chinese publishers.
第41届国际伊斯坦布尔图书博览会于11月2日开始,一直持续到11月10日,首次有12家中国出版商参加。 The 41st International Istanbul Book Fair began on November 2 and runs until November 10, featuring 12 Chinese publishers for the first time. 这次活动旨在加强中国和土耳其出版部门之间的合作,中国-土耳其出版合作论坛强调了这一点。 The event aims to enhance cooperation between Chinese and Turkish publishing sectors, highlighted by the China-Türkiye Publishing Cooperation Forum. 以「童年是庆典」为主题, 阿塞拜疆作为嘉宾, 博览会聚集众多作者、读者及超过1000家出版商及组织, With the theme "Childhood is a Celebration" and Azerbaijan as the guest of honor, the fair gathers numerous authors, readers, and over 1,000 publishers and organizations.