阿联酋沙迦(Sharjah)在4月摩洛哥拉巴特国际书展上强调文化联系。 Sharjah, UAE, to highlight cultural ties at Morocco's Rabat International Book Fair in April.
阿联酋沙迦市将是4月17日至27日在摩洛哥举行的第三十届拉巴特国际书展的贵宾。 The city of Sharjah, UAE, will be the guest of honor at the 30th Rabat International Book Fair in Morocco, from April 17 to 27. 这一承认突出了沙迦作为一个文化和知识中心的地位。 This recognition highlights Sharjah's status as a cultural and knowledge hub. 活动的目的是通过文学和艺术交流加强阿联酋和摩洛哥之间的联系,以展示阿联酋文化和遗产的多种节目为特色。 The event aims to strengthen ties between the UAE and Morocco through literary and artistic exchanges, featuring a diverse program showcasing Emirati culture and heritage.