Teen Mar'Kevion Lemons作为成年人被控在2022年谋杀密苏里州Jaimarcus McDaniel一案。 Teen Mar'Kevion Lemons charged as an adult in the 2022 murder of Jaimarcus McDaniel in Missouri.
17岁的Mar'Kevion Lemons 被指控为成人,在2022年密苏里州Jennings枪杀17岁的Jaimarcus McDaniel时,被控犯有一级谋杀罪。 A 17-year-old, Mar'Kevion Lemons, has been charged as an adult with first-degree murder in the 2022 shooting death of 17-year-old Jaimarcus McDaniel in Jennings, Missouri. 柠檬和另一个青少年科里·布林克利被指控 引诱麦克达尼尔从伊利诺伊州到密苏里州 并多次向他开枪 Lemons and another teen, Corey Brinkley, are accused of luring McDaniel from Illinois to Missouri and shooting him multiple times. 两名嫌疑犯都持有100万美元的债券。 Both suspects are held on $1 million bonds. 动机可能涉及对前一次事件或被盗枪支的争议。 The motive may involve a dispute over a previous incident or stolen guns.