印度部长在第二十九届缔约方会议上强调对绿色增长的承诺,强调技术和伙伴关系。 India's minister stresses commitment to green growth at COP 29, highlighting tech and partnerships.
印度环境部长Kirti Vardhan Singh强调,印度承诺在缔约方会议第二十九届会议期间的牵头投资倡议首脑会议上平衡工业增长与环境目标。 India's Environment Minister, Kirti Vardhan Singh, emphasized the country's commitment to balancing industrial growth with environmental goals at the LeadIT Summit during COP 29. Singh强调绿色技术和公私伙伴关系在钢铁和水泥等非碳化行业中的重要性。 Singh highlighted the importance of green technology and public-private partnerships in decarbonizing industries like steel and cement. 印度和瑞典共同主持了首脑会议,展示了国际合作实现《巴黎协定》气候目标的模式。 India and Sweden co-chaired the summit, showcasing a model for international cooperation in meeting climate targets under the Paris Agreement.