在弗吉尼亚州斯科特斯维尔发现一名成年男子死亡后,一名16岁的男子被指控犯有一级谋杀罪。 A 16-year-old is charged with first-degree murder after an adult man was found dead in Scottsville, Virginia.
在Virginia Fluvanna县,一名16岁男孩被捕并被指控犯有一级谋杀罪,原因是星期一在Scottsville一家家中发现一名成年男子死亡。 A 16-year-old boy has been arrested and charged with first-degree murder in Fluvanna County, Virginia, following the death of an adult man discovered at a home in Scottsville on Monday. 嫌疑人和受害者是彼此认识的。 The suspect and victim were known to each other. 该青少年还被指控妨碍司法和逃避警察。 The teenager is also charged with obstruction of justice and eluding police. 当局已表示没有威胁社区。 Authorities have stated there is no threat to the community.