16 岁的少年在马里兰州因在 Ballenger 社区刺伤另一名青少年而被指控为成年人。 16-year-old charged as adult in Maryland for stabbing another teenager in Ballenger neighborhood.
马里兰州弗雷德里克县的一名 16 岁男孩因 8 月 10 日在 Ballenger 社区刺伤另一名 16 岁男孩而被指控为成年人。 A 16-year-old boy in Frederick County, Maryland, has been charged as an adult for stabbing another 16-year-old on August 10th in the Ballenger neighborhood. 受害者是战斗目标,多处刺伤,但后来从医院获释,正在康复。 The victim, who was targeted for a fight, suffered multiple stab wounds but has since been released from the hospital and is recovering. 嫌疑人被指控犯有一级和二级攻击罪,并携带武器企图伤害他人,关押在弗雷德里克县成人拘留中心。 The suspect faces charges of first-degree and second-degree assault, along with carrying a weapon with intent to injure, and is held at the Frederick County Adult Detention Center.