美国专家小组建议终止与中国的永久贸易地位 以打击“不公平贸易行为” U.S. panel recommends ending permanent trade status with China to combat "unfair trade behaviors."
国会小组建议美国应强化与中国的贸易关系, 建议终止长期正常的贸易关系, 并重新引入对中国贸易惯例的年度审查。 A congressional panel has recommended that the U.S. should toughen its trade relationship with China, suggesting an end to permanent normal trade relations and reintroducing annual reviews of China's trade practices. 此举旨在为“不公平贸易行为”赢得更多影响力, 并保护美国工业与工人。 This move aims to gain more leverage over "unfair trade behaviors" and protect U.S. industries and workers. 该建议是在特朗普总统与中国进行贸易战争之后提出的,这场战争试图缩小巨大的贸易赤字。 The recommendation follows President Trump's trade war with China, which sought to narrow the significant trade deficit.