Susan Smith因1994年溺死她的两个孩子而被定罪,30年后寻求假释。 Susan Smith, convicted of drowning her two children in 1994, seeks parole after 30 years.
Susan Smith因淹死她的两个年幼的孩子而服刑30年,他将在假释委员会出庭要求释放她。 Susan Smith, who served 30 years in prison for drowning her two young children, will appear before a parole board to request her release. 该案于1994年引起全国的注意,Smith声称一名黑人男子劫持了她的汽车,随后被判犯有谋杀罪。 The case, which gained national attention in 1994, saw Smith convicted of murder after she claimed a black man had hijacked her car. 自那以后,她一直坚持自己无罪,尽管她的声称没有得到证实。 Since then, she has maintained her innocence, though her claims have not been substantiated.