1994年杀害儿童杀人犯Susan Smith因与纪录片制片人沟通而失去90天的监狱特权。 1994 child murderer Susan Smith faces 90-day prison privilege loss for communicating with a documentary filmmaker.
苏珊·史密斯 (Susan Smith) 因 1994 年谋杀她的两个孩子而被判处无期徒刑,她因与一名纪录片制片人交流而违反监狱规定而面临新的法律指控。 Susan Smith, serving a life sentence for the 1994 murders of her two children, has faced new legal charges for violating prison rules by communicating with a documentary filmmaker. 南卡罗来纳州惩教署报告说,她提供了联系信息,并接受了制片人的钱款,导致90天的电话、平板电脑和食堂特权损失。 The South Carolina Department of Corrections reported that she provided contact information and accepted money from the filmmaker, leading to a 90-day loss of phone, tablet, and canteen privileges. 尽管存在这种违反行为,但Smith仍然有资格在11月获得假释。 Despite this violation, Smith remains eligible for parole in November.