杀害女性的凶手 被假释和释放 引起了受害者女儿的安全顾虑 Woman's murderer, paroled and re-released, sparks safety concerns from victim's daughter.
1997年,一名妇女的母亲被其丈夫Michael Bowen杀害,1998年他被终身监禁。 A woman's mother was murdered by her husband, Michael Bowen, in 1997, and he was jailed for life in 1998. 尽管Bowen被认为具有高风险,但Bowen在2015年获得假释,但两次被召回,然后又被释放。 Despite being considered high risk, Bowen was paroled in 2015 but was recalled twice before being released again. 受害人的女儿安妮塔·福克斯在计划蜜月时发现他被释放,对继续假释表示严重关切。 The victim's daughter, Anita Fox, discovered his release while planning her honeymoon, expressing strong concerns about his continued parole. 假释委员会坚持认为,释放决定是在仔细考虑公共安全的情况下作出的。 The Parole Board maintains that release decisions are made with careful consideration of public safety.