俄克拉荷马城批准 $42M 动物收容所;州最高法院将审理学校圣经案件。 Oklahoma City OKs $42M animal shelter; state Supreme Court to hear case on Bibles in schools.
奥克拉荷马市批准了一个新的4 200万美元的动物收容所的计划。 Oklahoma City approved plans for a new $42 million animal shelter. 州最高法院将审理一个案件,对将圣经置于公立学校教室的任务提出质疑,Dana Kuehn法官因利益冲突而回避。 The state Supreme Court will hear a case challenging a mandate to place Bibles in public school classrooms, with Justice Dana Kuehn recusing herself due to a conflict of interest. Osage国家完成了一项重大的土地收购,成为联邦信托机构。 The Osage Nation completed a major land acquisition into a federal trust. 国家烟草结算捐赠信托基金将为社区保健项目提供300万美元的赠款。 The state's Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust will provide $3 million in grants for community health projects.