日本在二战期间的Sado岛矿场为朝鲜人和其他强迫劳动者举行第一次纪念仪式。 Japan holds first memorial for Korean and other forced laborers at WWII Sado Island mine.
日本将于星期日在Sado岛举行首个纪念仪式, 纪念在二战期间被迫在矿场劳役的工人, 包括许多韩国人。 Japan will hold its first memorial ceremony on Sunday at Sado Island to honor workers, including many Koreans, who were forced into labor at a mine during World War II. 此次活动是继日本承诺举行这样的仪式之后举行的。 日本曾因延迟而受到批评,并对承认强迫劳动历史的诚意表示关切。 The event follows Japan's promise to hold such a ceremony after being criticized for delays and concerns over its sincerity in acknowledging the forced labor history. 韩国受害人的11名家属将出席。 Eleven family members of Korean victims will attend.