40岁的俄克拉何马消防员/辅助医务人员David Villines在得克萨斯州因网上教唆未成年人(卧底特工)被捕。 40-year-old Oklahoma firefighter/paramedic, David Villines, arrested in Texas for online solicitation of a minor (undercover agent).
来自俄克拉荷马州的 40 岁消防员和护理人员大卫·维林斯 (David Villines) 因在线招揽未成年人而在德克萨斯州科林县被捕。 David Villines, a 40-year-old firefighter and paramedic from Oklahoma, was arrested in Collin County, Texas, for online solicitation of a minor. 他相信他跟一个15岁女孩有联系 但它是个卧底特工 He believed he was communicating with a 15-year-old girl, but it was an undercover agent. Villines表示有意从事性活动,并同意在特定地点会面,导致他被捕。 Villines expressed intent to engage in sexual activities and agreed to meet at a specific location, leading to his arrest. 他目前以10万美元的保证金被拘留。 He is currently detained on a $100,000 bond. 这项行动涉及当地的剥削儿童单位。 The operation involved local child exploitation units.