加利福尼亚州居民的外流可能正在逆转,最近数据显示离开该州的人数较少。 California's exodus of residents may be reversing, with recent data showing fewer people are leaving the state.
加利福尼亚州居民迁出州的长期趋势可能即将结束。 California's long-standing trend of residents moving out of the state may be coming to an end. 近年来的数据表明,离开加利福尼亚州的人数有所减少,一些地区的人口甚至略有增加。 Data from recent years shows a decline in the number of people leaving California, with some areas even seeing a slight increase in population. 经济因素、住房成本和生活质量问题历来驱动着外流,但这些条件的变化可能正在扭转这一趋势。 Economic factors, housing costs, and quality of life issues have historically driven the outflow, but changes in these conditions might be reversing the trend.