学士Blake Horstmann向Giannina Gibelli求婚 他们周二宣布订婚 Bachelor's Blake Horstmann proposed to Giannina Gibelli, and they announced their engagement on Tuesday.
Bachelor Nation 的 Blake Horstmann 向 Love Is Blind 的校友 Giannina Gibelli 求婚,这对夫妇于 11 月 20 日宣布订婚。 Bachelor Nation's Blake Horstmann proposed to Love Is Blind alum Giannina Gibelli, and the couple announced their engagement on November 20th. 提议于10月30日在西班牙马德里举行, Blake用4.87克拉的订婚戒指震惊吉安尼娜。 The proposal took place on October 30th in Madrid, Spain, where Blake surprised Giannina with a 4.87-carat, oval engagement ring. 这对夫妇的儿子名叫Heath, 生于2024年3月, 于2022年1月首次开始约会。 The couple, who have a son named Heath born in March 2024, first started dating in January 2022.