老大哥的黄寅润在一个小型的私人仪式上秘密嫁给了未婚夫卢克。 Big Brother's Yinrun Huang secretly married fiancé Luke in a small, private ceremony.
老大哥的黄寅润与她的未婚夫卢克秘密结婚,举行了一个只有他们的父母和朋友参加的小型仪式。 Big Brother's Yinrun Huang secretly married her fiancé, Luke, in a small ceremony attended only by their parents and a friend. Luke在8月的TikTok影片中, 学习中文, 用她的母语向Yinrun求婚。 Luke had learned Chinese to propose to Yinrun in her native language during an August TikTok video. 这对情侣已经交往了一年多, 分享结婚的消息, 并在社交媒体上分享结婚当天的录像, The couple, who had been dating for over a year, shared news of their marriage and a video from their wedding day on social media, receiving congratulations from friends and fans.