英国广播公司新闻主播卡琳·吉安诺内(Karin Giannone)在加利福尼亚婚礼后再次与联合主演尼克·巴克利(Nick Buckley)在英国举行合法仪式。 BBC News anchor Karin Giannone married co-star Nick Buckley again in a legal UK ceremony after their California wedding.
据报道,BBC新闻主播卡琳·吉安诺尼与同事兼新闻导演尼克·巴克利 (Nick Buckley) 在第二次婚礼中结婚,因为他们的第一次婚礼在英国是不合法的. BBC News anchor Karin Giannone married co-star and news director Nick Buckley in a second wedding ceremony due to their first ceremony not being legal in the UK. 这对夫妇在BBC新闻上都很受欢迎 最初于2022年在加州结婚 The couple, both popular on BBC News, originally married in California in 2022. Giannone在Instagram上分享了英国仪式的照片,穿着一件白色蕾丝新娘礼服,袖子长四分之三。 Giannone shared photos from the UK ceremony on Instagram, wearing a white lace bridal dress with three-quarter-length sleeves.