一位Twitter用户敦促德里居民迁至孟加拉, 以获取更清洁的空气, 突显首都的“严重加”污染。 A Twitter user urged Delhi residents to move to Bengaluru for cleaner air, highlighting the capital's "severe plus" pollution.
一位推特用户建议, 遭受严重空气污染的德里居民应考虑迁至孟加拉, A Twitter user suggested that Delhi residents suffering from severe air pollution should consider moving to Bengaluru for cleaner air. 德里空气质量指数处于"严重加"范围, 而班加罗尔则中等. Delhi's Air Quality Index is in the "severe plus" range, while Bengaluru's is moderate. 该用户强调,清洁空气是一项基本权利,并幽默地建议让Kannada学会搬迁。 The user highlighted that clean air is a basic right and humorously suggested learning Kannada to relocate. 德里的污染水平两天来一直达到危险的高水平,促使人们呼吁采取紧急行动和执行污染控制计划。 Delhi's pollution levels have been dangerously high for two days, prompting calls for urgent action and the enforcement of pollution control plans.