Stephen Dupont在其U-Haul卡车坠毁后被捕,车内有偷来的物品,当时他正逃离警察。 Stephen Dupont was arrested after crashing his U-Haul truck, stolen goods inside, while fleeing from police.
47岁的Stephen Dupont在一辆装有被盗物品的U-Haul卡车上逃离警察后被捕,导致追逐行动在他的卡车撞上电线杆时告终。 Stephen Dupont, 47, was arrested after fleeing from police in a U-Haul truck loaded with stolen goods, leading to a chase that ended when his truck crashed into a utility pole. Dupont面临多项指控,包括未能阻止警方和共谋犯罪。 Dupont faces multiple charges including failure to stop for police and conspiracy to commit a crime. 两名女乘客还被指控接收被盗财产和共谋。 Two female passengers were also charged with receiving stolen property and conspiracy.