路易斯安那州罗斯兰 居民必须煮水 因为最近有一条水线断断断续续 Roseland, Louisiana, residents must boil water due to a recent water line break and repair.
路易斯安那州的罗斯兰市因水线断裂而受到水沸警告, Roseland, Louisiana, is under a boil water advisory after a water line break and subsequent repair. 居民在使用前至少必须煮水三分钟,包括饮用、制冰、刷牙和做饭,直到测试结果证实水安全为止。 Residents must boil water for at least three minutes before use, including drinking, making ice, brushing teeth, and cooking, until test results confirm water safety. 如欲了解详情,请联系985-748-9063或Roseland市政厅。 For more information, contact 985-748-9063 or Roseland City Hall.