Rosa Sosa因用剑威胁一名男子和警察而被捕,导致她受到殴打。 Rosa Sosa was arrested for threatening a man and police with a sword, leading to her tasing.
45岁的Rosa Sosa在南达科他州的Tea被捕,罪名是在停车场用剑威胁一名男子,后来又威胁警官,导致她遭到殴打和逮捕。 Rosa Sosa, 45, was arrested in Tea, South Dakota, for threatening a man with a sword in a parking lot and later threatening police officers, leading to her tasing and arrest. Sosa面临1项严重攻击罪和2项执法严重攻击罪。 Sosa faces one count of aggravated assault and two counts of aggravated assault on law enforcement. 在她身上还发现了少量大麻。 A small amount of marijuana was also found on her.