Traverse City妇女因严重殴打而被捕,企图谋杀,并面临250 000美元的保证金。 Traverse City woman arrested for severe assault with intent to murder, faces $250,000 bond.
Jennifer Vargas, 42岁,来自密歇根特拉弗城的42岁妇女,据称在布莱尔镇袭击另一名妇女后于11月8日被捕。 Jennifer Vargas, a 42-year-old woman from Traverse City, Michigan, was arrested on November 8 after allegedly assaulting another woman in Blair Township. 受害者被咬伤,被刀割伤,据报告,他被扔下楼梯,多次被击中。 The victim suffered bite marks, a cut from a knife, and was reportedly thrown down stairs and struck multiple times. Vargas面临一起蓄意谋杀的殴打罪,并被扣押在大特拉弗斯郡监狱,押金25万美元。 Vargas faces one count of assault with intent to murder and is being held on a $250,000 bond at the Grand Traverse County Jail.