俄亥俄州东巴勒斯坦附近的居民将从600万加元的火车脱轨安置点领取受伤赔偿金。 Residents near East Palestine, Ohio, will receive injury payments from a $600M train derailment settlement.
受去年东巴勒斯坦俄亥俄州火车脱轨影响的居民不久将收到克罗尔定居管理局的来信,其中详述了他们从6亿美元的集体诉讼解决办法中支付的人身伤害赔偿金。 Residents affected by last year's train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, will soon receive letters from Kroll Settlement Administration detailing their personal injury payments from a $600 million class action settlement. 不得上诉的这些付款将在年底前分发。 These payments, not subject to appeal, will be distributed by the end of the year. 但是,由于正在进行的上诉程序可能延长两年或两年以上,财产损坏的直接支付被搁置。 However, direct payments for property damages are on hold due to an ongoing appeal process that could extend for two years or more.