作为6亿美元集体诉讼和解的一部分,俄亥俄州东巴勒斯坦附近的居民因诺福克南方货运列车脱轨而受伤,每人获得25,000美元。 Residents near East Palestine, Ohio, receive $25,000 each for injury from Norfolk Southern freight train derailment as part of a $600M class-action settlement.
作为6亿美元集体诉讼和解的一部分,俄亥俄州东巴勒斯坦附近的居民现在可以获得25,000美元的伤害,除了财产损失赔偿外,还可以获得25,000美元的赔偿。 Residents near East Palestine, Ohio, can now receive $25,000 each for injuries suffered after last year's Norfolk Southern freight train derailment, in addition to property damage compensation, as part of a $600 million class-action settlement. 谈判和解的律师将估计的伤害赔偿金从最初的 10,000 美元增加到了索赔的更多信息。 The lawyers negotiating the settlement increased the estimated injury payment from the initial $10,000 due to more information on claims. 律师们计划在Zoom电话中解释增加的付款及其理由。 The lawyers plan to explain the increased payment and their reasoning during a Zoom call.