杀害伊拉克平民的兽医因国会大厦骚乱指控被判入狱。 Vet who killed Iraqi civilian ordered to jail on Capitol riot charges.
一名近 20 年前杀害一名伊拉克平民的退伍军人因被指控在 2021 年 1 月 6 日美国国会大厦骚乱中使用金属警棍袭击警察而被判入狱。 A military veteran who killed an Iraqi civilian nearly 20 years ago has been ordered to be jailed on charges that he used a metal baton to assault police officers during the US Capitol riot on January 6, 2021. 40 岁的爱德华·里士满 (Edward Richmond Jr.) 被发现对社区构成威胁,并于 1 月 22 日被捕后最初被释放。 Edward Richmond Jr., 40, was found to be a danger to the community, and he was initially released after his arrest on January 22. 联邦调查局探员在里士满位于路易斯安那州的家中发现了一把 AR-15 突击步枪,因为他在 2004 年因射杀一名伊拉克牧牛人而被判过失杀人罪,之后被禁止拥有枪支。 FBI agents discovered an AR-15 assault rifle in Richmond's home in Louisiana, as he is prohibited from possessing firearms following his 2004 manslaughter conviction for fatally shooting an Iraqi cow herder.