第一次审判是在NH的Sunununu青年服务中心开始的虐待;前工人Victor Malavet面临12项性侵犯指控。 1st trial begins for abuse at NH's Sununu Youth Services Center; former worker Victor Malavet faces 12 counts of sexual assault.
在新罕布什尔的Sunununu青年服务中心,与对虐待进行五年调查有关的第一次刑事审判开始。 1st criminal trial connected to a 5-year investigation into abuse at New Hampshire's Sununu Youth Services Center begins. Victor Malavet是一名前工人,2001年面临12项严重重罪性攻击,涉及一名16岁女孩。 Victor Malavet, a former worker, faces 12 counts of aggravated felonious sexual assault involving a 16-year-old girl in 2001. 超过1,100名前居民起诉国家,指控长达60年的虐待。 Over 1,100 former residents have sued the state, alleging abuse spanning six decades. 州检察长办公室正在起诉被指控的罪犯,同时保护国家免受虐待指控。 The state AG's office is prosecuting alleged offenders while defending the state against abuse claims.