乡村歌手Jamey Johnson在田纳西州因超速和持有毒品被捕。 Country singer Jamey Johnson arrested in Tennessee for speeding and drug possession.
乡村歌手Jamey Johnson因超速和持有毒品于11月17日在田纳西州被捕。 Country singer Jamey Johnson was arrested in Tennessee on November 17 for speeding and drug possession. 地区检察官办公室确认了逮捕,但官方指控尚未公布。 The District Attorney's office confirmed the arrest, though official charges have not been announced. Johnson, 以他的一击“彩色”闻名, 作为大奥莱Opry的成员, 最近发行了一张专辑, 讨论他与吸毒成瘾的斗争。 Johnson, known for his hit "In Color" and as a member of the Grand Ole Opry, recently released an album that discusses his struggles with addiction. 他先前曾在2011年戒酒,2015年戒大麻。 He previously quit alcohol in 2011 and marijuana in 2015. 事件仍在调查之中。 The incident is still under investigation.