两名因逃避警察而被通缉的逃犯,在坠机后在纳什维尔被捕,并被发现携带毒品和枪支。 Two fugitives, wanted for evading police, were arrested in Nashville after a crash and found with drugs and guns.
27岁的Zahnaee Chaney和41岁的Calvert Johnson在躲避警察两个星期后在纳什维尔被捕。 Zahnaee Chaney, 27, and Calvert Johnson, 41, were arrested in Nashville after evading police for two weeks. 在Chaney逃逸并造成坠机的一个交通站后,发现两人身上都有枪支、被盗车牌、可卡因和THC。 Following a traffic stop where Chaney fled, causing a crash, both were found with guns, stolen plates, cocaine, and THC. 两人都有重罪记录,并被控持有毒品、逃避逮捕和其他罪行。 Both have felony records and are charged with drug possession, evading arrest, and other offenses. Chaney因盗窃和破坏他人财产而面临额外指控。 Chaney faces additional charges for theft and vandalism.