在济南举行的一次会议讨论了山东和金砖国家之间的经济合作,侧重于数字专题。 A conference in Jinan discussed economic cooperation between Shandong and BRICS countries, focusing on digital topics.
“与金砖五国对话――山东企业创新与发展会议”于2024年11月14日在中国济南举行,旨在探索山东省和金砖五国之间的经济和贸易合作。 The "Dialogue with BRICS - Shandong Enterprise Innovation and Development Conference" took place in Jinan, China, on November 14, 2024, aiming to explore economic and trade cooperation between Shandong Province and BRICS countries. 来自阿联酋、埃及、沙特阿拉伯和巴西等国家的代表出席了会议,讨论了数字转换、大赦国际和跨界支付等问题。 Representatives from countries including the UAE, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Brazil attended to discuss topics like digital transformation, AI, and cross-border payments. 山东与金砖国家的重要贸易关系占该省2024年前三个季度贸易总额的18.1%。 The event featured business matchmaking sessions and highlighted Shandong's significant trade relations with BRICS countries, which accounted for 18.1% of the province's total trade in the first three quarters of 2024.