新泽西共和国Mikie Sherrill宣布竞选州长, 目标是州经济问题。 New Jersey Rep. Mikie Sherrill announces run for governor, targeting state's economic issues.
新泽西的民主党代表Mikie Sherrill已宣布竞选州长, New Jersey's Democratic Representative Mikie Sherrill has announced her candidacy for governor, aiming to address the state's economic challenges and make living more affordable. Sherrill是一名前联邦检察官和海军直升机驾驶员,他加入了一个竞争激烈的民主党人领域,争取获得任期有限的总督Phil Murphy的成功。 A former federal prosecutor and Navy helicopter pilot, Sherrill joins a competitive field of Democrats vying to succeed term-limited Governor Phil Murphy. 共和党候选人包括州参议员乔恩·布拉姆尼克和前州立法者杰克·卡塔雷利。 Republican candidates include State Senator Jon Bramnick and former state legislator Jack Ciattarelli. Sherrill的军事背景和在国会的经验是她的竞选活动的核心。 Sherrill's military background and experience in Congress are central to her campaign.