弗吉尼亚州总检察长Jason Miyares将在2023年寻求连选连任, Virginia's Attorney General Jason Miyares will seek re-election in 2023, likely opening path for female governor in 2025.
Virginia总检察长Jason Miyares(共和党人)宣布他打算于2023年寻求连选连任, Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares, a Republican, announced his intention to seek re-election in 2023, dismissing speculation about a gubernatorial run. Miyares以保守立场著称,侧重于选举舞弊起诉,于2021年首次当选。 Miyares, known for his conservative stance and focus on election fraud prosecutions, was first elected in 2021. 他的决定增加了弗吉尼亚州在2025年选举第一位女州长的可能性,因为副州长Winsome Earle-Searers现在预计将竞争共和州州长提名。 His decision increases the likelihood of Virginia electing its first female governor in 2025, as Lieutenant Governor Winsome Earle-Sears is now expected to compete for the Republican gubernatorial nomination. Miyares在连选连任运动中强调,他致力于安全和保守原则。 Miyares emphasized his commitment to safety and conservative principles in his re-election campaign.