家庭农场 Wurinya 在南澳大利亚的售价为 275 万澳元。 Family farm Wurinya sells for $2.75 million in South Australia.
位于南澳大利亚州布坎南 (Buchanan) 的老字号家庭农场 Wurinya 在拍卖会上以 275 万美元的价格售出。 A long-held family farm, Wurinya, in Buchanan, South Australia, sold for $2.75 million at auction. 这片占地 388 英亩的土地自 1950 年代以来由 Waldhuter 家族拥有,设有宽敞的宅基地、棚屋和剪羊毛棚。 The 388-acre property, owned by the Waldhuter family since the 1950s, features a spacious homestead, shedding, and a shearing shed. 这片土地以其肥沃的土壤和可靠的降雨量而闻名,适合种植各种作物,包括谷物和豆类。 Known for its fertile soil and reliable rainfall, the land is suitable for various crops, including cereals and legumes. 该农场的价值和位置使其成为一个有吸引力的投资或附加块,对该地区的租赁机会有强烈的需求。 The farm's value and location make it an attractive investment or add-on block, with strong demand for leasing opportunities in the area.