南澳大利亚平纳鲁地区的农场面积为6 091英亩,以约100万美元出售。 Farmland in South Australia's Pinnaroo region, 6,091 acres, is on sale for about $1 million.
南澳大利亚平纳鲁地区的6 091公顷农田正以每英亩164美元的价格出售约100万美元。 A 6,091-acre farmland in South Australia's Pinnaroo region is on sale for around $1 million, priced at $164 per acre. 地处平纳鲁西北35公里处,土地年平均降雨量为335毫米,已有4年没有耕种,需要修建围栏和房屋翻修。 Located 35km northwest of Pinnaroo, the land, with 335mm average annual rainfall, has not been cropped for four years and requires stock fencing and house renovations. 它包括良好的水库供应、多间棚屋和两站式剪切棚。 It includes a good stock water supply, various sheds, and a two-stand shearing shed. 详情请与Warren Allen联系,电话0407 492747。 Contact Warren Allen at 0407 492747 for more details.