美国投资者的目标是澳大利亚农田的A9-111bn美元,Worral Creek以3.5亿澳元购买。 US investors target A$9-11bn in Australian farmland, with Worral Creek purchase for A$350m.
全球公司投资者,特别是来自美国的全球公司投资者,越来越多地以澳大利亚农田为目标,90亿至110亿澳元的资本寻求机会。 Global corporate investors, particularly from the U.S., are increasingly targeting Australian farmland, with A$9 billion to A$11 billion in capital seeking opportunities. 重要采购包括边境河地区的沃拉尔溪,价值超过3.5亿澳元. Significant purchases include the Border Rivers region's Worral Creek for over A$350 million. 这一趋势可能挑战当地买主在市场上的主导地位,特别是对于较大的地产而言。 This trend may challenge local buyers’ dominance in the market, especially for larger properties. 尽管一些地区的情况好坏参半,但牲畜价格上涨和有利的投资环境正在激起人们的兴趣。 Rising livestock prices and a favorable investment climate are fueling interest, despite mixed conditions in some regions.