爱尔兰上诉法院决定重新考虑批准在凯里县兴建有争议的LNG终端的决定。 Ireland appeals court decision to reconsider approval for a controversial LNG terminal in County Kerry.
爱尔兰的国家规划机构An Bord Pleanála计划对高等法院的一项裁决提出上诉,该项裁决推翻了爱尔兰拒绝在Kerry县设立拟议的LNG终端的决定。 Ireland's national planning body, An Bord Pleanála, plans to appeal a High Court decision that overturned its rejection of a proposed LNG terminal in County Kerry. 终端将包括一个发电厂、电池储存和一个再气化装置。 The terminal would include a power plant, battery storage, and a regasification unit. 法院裁定,规划委员会必须重新考虑申请,促使上诉解决可能需要一年左右的时间。 The court ruled that the planning board must reconsider the application, prompting the appeal which could take about a year to resolve.