联合王国和澳大利亚的寄养短缺情况正在恶化,呼吁政府采取紧急行动。 Foster care shortages are worsening in the UK and Australia, with calls for urgent government action.
英国和澳大利亚的寄养照料短缺情况正在恶化,英格兰和新南威尔士的亨特地区现有寄养照料者人数大幅度减少。 Foster care shortages are worsening in the UK and Australia, with England and the Hunter region in New South Wales facing significant drops in available foster carers. 在英格兰,寄养照料场所的数量是五年来最低的,而在亨特地区,自2021年以来,经授权的照料者减少了14%。 In England, the number of foster care places is at its lowest in five years, while in the Hunter region, authorized carers have dropped by 14% since 2021. 各慈善机构和地方机构呼吁政府采取紧急行动,加大支持力度,招聘和留住寄养照料者,强调需要确保儿童的福利。 Charities and local agencies are calling for urgent government action and increased support to recruit and retain foster carers, emphasizing the need to ensure children's well-being.