Lancashire县议会为员工提供更多休假时间,鼓励他们寄养。 Lancashire County Council offers staff more time off to encourage fostering.
Lancashire县议会已承诺向其收养儿童的工作人员提供更多的支持,包括额外的休假时间。 Lancashire County Council has pledged to offer more support to its staff who foster children, including additional time off. 这一举措旨在通过兼顾工作与照料责任,鼓励更多雇员成为寄养照料者。 This move aims to encourage more employees to become foster carers by addressing the balance between work and caring responsibilities. 该倡议是理事会努力增加向需要帮助的儿童提供寄养家庭数目的一部分。 The initiative is part of the council's effort to increase the number of foster homes available for children in need.