Elliott Millar因攻击特殊需要学生被判12周监禁, Elliott Millar sentenced to 12 weeks for assaulting special needs students, captured in BBC documentary.
Elliott Millar,21岁,因在体育学校Life Wirral袭击三名有特殊教育需要的学生,被判处12周监禁。 Elliott Millar, 21, was sentenced to 12 weeks in prison for assaulting three students with special educational needs at Life Wirral, a sports school. 这些袭击被英国广播公司秘密记者Sasha Hinde抓获,他在学校工作了7周。 The assaults were captured by undercover BBC reporter Sasha Hinde, who worked at the school for seven weeks. 这段影片在英国广播公司Panorama纪录片中播放, 显示Millar在孩子脸上画上阴茎, The footage was aired in a BBC Panorama documentary, showing Millar drawing a penis on a child's face and putting pupils in headlocks. 纪录片播出后,学校关闭。 The school closed after the documentary aired.