一名被取消资格的酒驾司机被用他的双胞胎兄弟的执照抓获,并面临多项指控。 A disqualified drink-driver was caught using his twin brother's license and faces multiple charges.
一名47岁的悉尼男子在2029年前因酒后驾车被定罪而被吊销执照,直到2029年才被吊销执照。 他被捕后,他用他的双胞胎兄弟的驾照驾车。 A 47-year-old Sydney man, whose license was disqualified until 2029 due to a prior drink-driving conviction, was caught drink-driving and using his twin brother's license. 呼吸测试失败后,他声称是他的双胞胎兄弟,但后来承认使用了他兄弟的执照。 After failing a breath test, he claimed to be his twin brother, but later admitted to using his brother's license. 他面临以下罪名:在取消资格期间驾车、低程酒后驾车、假姓名和地址以及欺诈性地使用驾驶执照。 He faces charges for driving during a disqualification period, low-range drink-driving, stating a false name and address, and fraudulently using a driver's license. 警方正在调查他是如何拿到他哥哥的执照的 Police are investigating how he obtained his brother's license.