安大略省西尼皮辛市的 RIDE 项目中,司机因酒后驾驶和多项指控被捕。 Driver arrested for impaired driving and multiple charges at a RIDE program in West Nipissing, ON.
一名司机在安大略省西尼皮辛市的 RIDE 项目中被拦下后面临多项指控,包括酒后驾驶。 A driver faces multiple charges, including impaired driving, after being stopped at a RIDE program in West Nipissing, ON. 4 月 16 日,安省省警尼皮辛西支队在 Front Street 开展了 RIDE 计划。 On April 16, the Nipissing West Detachment of the OPP conducted a RIDE program on Front Street. 该司机提供的呼吸样本酒精含量超过法定限值,因此被逮捕,并被指控血液酒精浓度(超过 80)、酒驾和毒驾、无保险卡、未通知地址变更(驾照)。 The driver, who provided a breath sample over the legal limit, was arrested and charged with blood alcohol concentration (80 plus), operation while impaired - alcohol and drugs, fail to have insurance card, and fail to notify change of address - licence. 司机已被释放,并定于 5 月 2 日出庭。 The driver was released and scheduled to appear in court on May 2.