澳大利亚的新法律将个人政治捐助限制在20 000美元,以遏制亿万富翁的影响力。 Australia's new law caps individual political donations at $20,000 to curb billionaire influence.
澳大利亚的新立法旨在通过禁止个人向政治候选人提供超过20,000澳元的捐赠,限制富裕捐助者对选举的影响。 New legislation in Australia aims to limit the influence of wealthy donors on elections by banning individual donations over AUD 20,000 to political candidates. 虽然该措施针对像Clive Palmer这样的亿万富翁的影响,但独立人士则认为,这可能不利于他们,使主要政党拥有更大的权力。 While the measure targets the impact of billionaires like Clive Palmer, independents argue it may disadvantage them, giving more power to major parties. 这些修改在下次选举之前不会生效。 The changes are not set to take effect until after the next election.